Saturday, May 29, 2010

Cutaneous Effects of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors

The use of TKI is associated with unique and dramatic dermatologic side effects.

1. Abnormal scalp, face hair, and/or eyelash growth (Isolated reports)

2. Anaphylactic infusion reaction (cetuximab)

3. Papulopustular eruption 60%-80%

4. Paronychia with/without pyogenic granulomas 6%-12%

5. Telangiectasias

6. Xerosis 4%-35%

Although these new targeted therapies have low systemic toxicity, cutaneous side effects are common and may be serious.

Proper pre-treatment counseling and management will improve the treatment compliance and avoid unnecessary interruption of the TKI use.

TKI induced skin rash appears to be a visible marker of anti-tumor activity and therapeutic efficacy.

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